Feijen High-Tech Innovations
FHTI brings you innovation to life

Detail information studies & courses

(C) = Certified (D) = Diploma (P) Propedeuse (G) = Graduated    (R) = Reference


Time period                       Name    Education                                                   Institute, town                                 Qualification, level

Aug. ’13  - Dec. ’15            MBA             Executive MBA                            TIAS, Tilburg University.               G, master

Aug. ’99  - July ‘01            TbdK-TUE   Technical business technology   TUe. University, Eindhoven         C

Aug. '90 - July  '93           AKBO           HBO Business administration      IHBO/Fontys. Eindhoven             G, Ing.

Oct. '85  ‑  June '88          HLO‑C.        Chemical Technology                    IHBO/Fontys, Eindhoven             G, Ing.                                                                              & analitical technology

Aug. '84 ‑ July  ’85           HBO‑A.        Chemical analysis                          IHBO/Fontys, Eindhoven.            G,

Aug. '81 ‑ July ‘84             HTS-CT.       Chemical technology                  IHBO/Fontys, Eindhoven.             P  

Courses & trainings

 Time period                  courses & trainings                                                Institute                                 Qualification, Level

Jan. ‘16 - Jun. ’16                IPMA, NPI Project Management                          Holland Innovative                D

Mar.’13 – Jul. ‘13                Nano IC Technology (Incl. Product Design)        Bits-On-Chips,                        D

Oct. ’11 – Mar. ‘12              Proficiency Course                                                   Digne Consulting                   C

Sep. ’08 - Oct. ‘08            8D & FMEA Methodology                                       NXP Academy                        C

Mar.’06 - Dec. ’07             Greenbelt Course, Six Sigma                                  NXP Academy                       C

Oct. ’05 - Mar. ’06            Coaching for Performance & Growth                    Philips Academy                   D

Oct. ’00 - Jan. ’01              SVG Track Application and PM course                 Silicon Valley group             C

Aug. ’97 - Jan. ‘98             Manufacturing Excellence + Mini-Company       CTT, Philips, Eindhoven       C 

Mar. ‘97 - Jun. ‘97              ISO/QS-9000 Internal Auditors’ Certification.    KEMA                                    C

Sep.  ‘94 - Nov. ‘94           Process Management PBK                                       CTT, Philips, Eindhoven     D

Dec. ‘93 - Jan. ‘94             Concurrent Engineering CE                                      CTT, Philips, Eindhoven     D

Oct. ‘93 - Apr. ‘94            Product-Development PD1                                        CTT, Philips, Eindhoven     D

Sep. ‘89 ‑ June ‘92           Solid State Course IC Technology                             Philips Research                D